Sponsor our

Allen Tallenettes

Who We Are

For over fifty years, the Allen Tallenettes, Allen High School’s drill team, have been enthusiastically supporting the City of Allen. Tallenettes perform at the varsity football games and pep rallies, the city’s Christmas parade, the annual holiday show, spring showcases, and several dance competitions. These talented, young dancers and their families enhance our community with their dedication to excellence, contagious enthusiasm and generous spirit.  

Beyond the public eye, this group of young women are held to exceptional scholastic and behavioral standards, and they train up to twenty hours per week, working with choreographers and their dance instructors, dedicated to honing their talent and skills. They also reach out into the community by supporting veterans, collecting donations for a Texas orphanage, teaching drill team classes to young dancers, and participating in various volunteer work.

Why Our Tallenette Sponsors Are Vital to Our Success

The Tallenette teams of the past have worked hard to establish a well-known reputation around the City of Allen, the State of Texas, and in the dance/drill team world.  They have paved the way for our current Tallenettes to achieve success in all that they set out to do.  Without the support of our community sponsors, this amount of success would not be possible. We value the support and close relationships with our local businesses.

Show your love for your community, our children,

and the future by becoming a Tallenette Sponsor!